Monday, September 18, 2006

da truth

I am having a gooood time. This weekend was hard- there are lonnnng hours, and longer days. but overall- I am enjoying this life. I enjoy my j.o.b. I miss friends like crazy. Just having people that i know~ people to ComEOveR (as of now-ive always had to 'go', which isnt a problem- its simply nice to occasionally spend time on home/ recognizable turf).
The students are pretty fabulous. And I just kicked off a new drama ministry last night with another gal down here. We did a skit last night for the high school sevrice to introduce it~~ and it went over realll well--YAY! P.T.L. is all i can say.
At times i feel fully overwhlemned. but the time hanging out with the students makes it all worth it. Or the time with the guys i work with- they're a riot. even today, we went up to one of the high school's to visit with students during lunch periods- and we had just bowls of laughs in the car on the way there. Its still different though, cuz even them- who im spending so much time with- still do not know ME. really know. or what i struggle with, or what my history is like, or what my needs are (although, they do know my favorite milkshake~ which earns tons of points) ;)
but again... i miss those kinda friends. the community of being known, and being loved regardless.
ANNNNND~~ i've had recent pains-of-absence for dear ol' 'DownUnder' ...and now that it is seeming that i wont be able to go to Europe (enter sad face here) I wish i could jus trade the time to come visit!...but, unfortunately, the plane ticket is a bit more... (enter sadder face here) and Sara n i have talked about it...n' its jus wrong.
whaddya'll do 2 us??! what is IN that WaTer!??


Monday, September 04, 2006

oh my shan... :)

Sooo... great moment:

super sad time had when i had 2 take my sister 2 the airport 2 leave me... except with my 2 co-workers it was basically impossible 2 be sad~ guys that great jus dont allow that to happen :) ~neway, by the time i got back to the house tho, the saddness hit a bit. it was setteling in as i was driving- and by the time that i walked through the door, i was sighing.... only 2 reach the stairs n see my first peice of mail!!
a package from Shannyn!!!!! =D hooray 4 smiles (although, the ache of my heart in its 'missing you' state did still cause some tears upon reading teh letter n looking through the contents)

but the aussie bible is high-larry-ous!! n i cant wait to move into my office so i can put up the picture sheet.

*~ and a great thing that i love bout this lil rich town... RoUnDabOutS!!! theres even one to get on my street~~ impossible NOt to think of ya'll everyday! ~*

