Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mer... I jus wrote an unbelievably fulfilling- enlightening- and admirable post (or perhaps it was just fun...)
but when i went to post it~ it froze and then lost it!! :(

So here is what cha get...
haha :)

Last weekend my mom and I went to see my oldest brother and my sister out near NY. We had a blast. The weekend included lots of eating, laughing, hott tubing, and city-seeing-- not to forget our single game of Uno that lasted- literally- 87 minutes. It.was. crazyness.
and loads of funtimes.

If Sydney is the city that has my heart~ New York is the city that will always be my home...

and since blogger won't let me put n-e-more pictures up.... I bid a-do to you n you n you...
missen ya'll



At 4:50 AM, Blogger Gheever said...

NY looks like a cool city i might have to come over some day.


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